Ricerche e pubblicazioni scientifiche
- Effects of stress versus flotation-rest relaxation on creativity and literacy skills in advanced English
- Bending and Mending the neurosignature
- Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory
- Eliciting the Relaxation Response With the Help of Flotation–REST in Patients With Stress- Related Ailments
- Fadeaway Nursing Mother Survey
- Flotation REST in Applied Psychophysiology
- Flotation for the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy as a stress management tool
- Quality of Life with Flotation Therapy for a Person Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, Atypical Autism, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression
- Preventing Sick-leave for Sufferers of High Stress-load and Burnout Syndrome
- Progressive muscle relaxation (chronic tension headache)
- Psychotherapeutic Treatment in Combination with relaxation in a FT born-out syndrome
- Quality of Life with Flotation Therapy for a Person Diagnosed with ADHD, Atypical Autism, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression
- REST-Assisted Relaxation and Chronic Pain
- Sensory Isolation in Flotation Tanks - Altered States of Consciousness and Effects on Well-being
- The Effects of Flotation REST on the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia